Purederm Spot Reducer Gel Patches Review

WHAT: Purederm Spot Reducer Gel Patches
PRICE & WHERE: 129 Php at Watson's
I'm in my late twenties now and while I'm way past puberty, I still do get occasional zit breakouts. I have already found my best friend in CosRX Acne Pimple Master Patches (they're so gooood at absorbing gunk) but one day, I ran out. Watson's was also out of stock so I'm forced to find an alternative.

Cue: Purederm Spot Reducer Gel Patches!!! Haven't tried this before so read on to find out what I think about the product!


what's inside
Description: "Specially formulated hydrogel treatment for reducing the appearance of pimples on your face without irritation by penetrating a proven acne-fighting ingredient where where you need it most. Special skin soothers are delivered throughout the night to help prevent irritation and over-drying."

Directions: "Cleanse the skin thoroughly before applying patch. Peel off the patch and apply directly on each pimple being treated making sure all edges stick completely. Wear overnight and remove in the morning. Repeat nightly until pimple is gone. If bothersome dryness or peeling occurs reduce application to every other day. For best results wash face with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Before applying a patch allow face to completely dry for at least 5 minutes."

I was expecting hydrogel patches like the Cosrx ones but this is different. Inside the box packaging, there are 3 silver sachets containing 10 brown gel patches of the same size. The patches are medicated and contains 0.5% Salicylic Acid as its active ingredient.
the patches are super thin with medicated gel on the other side
Take note - unlike hydrogel patches, these are supposed to be put on closed and unpopped pimples. It is meant to reduce redness and swelling until the pimple is gone.


After washing and drying my face, I immediately peeled off a patch and applied it on a pimple. You need to make sure that your skin is completely dry and clean. However, even with a properly cleansed face, I found that they tend to come off during the night. I just reapply as needed.
redness gone!
The patch managed to reduce the redness and swelling overnight. I continued using it for the next 4 nights but there was no further progress. My pimple did not shrink anymore and the skin under the patch kinda dried out so I stopped using it.


This product is useful for taming pimples but it's not as helpful when it comes to healing them. I still prefer my hydrogel pimple patches so I probably will not buy this again when I ran out.

What are your favorite pimple busters? Let me know and I'll check them out!

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Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. This review is based on my own experience and opinions. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa.


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