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Hi, I am Tef and this is my blog.

I've been wanting to open a blog since forever but there's always something that stops me - I don't have enough time, I don't have the resources, I don't know anything, what if I offend somebody, the list goes on... and the worst- what if nobody even visits my blog?

I am sure all bloggers, either established ones or still newbies like me, had all those questions too when first starting their own blogs. But then I realize - if I don't start now, when will I ever? And so the birth of "tep tries new stuff".

At 24 years, I still haven't tried a lot of things. This blog, aside from being my personal diary, will be about beauty products (makeup, skin care products, beauty supplements, everything that helps enhance beauty!). I went to a Catholic school during elementary and HS so absolutely no makeup is allowed. During college, I just didn't care back then. Nowadays, I'm very interested in trying and learning how to use makeup properly. I will also feature book reviews and maybe include other topics every now and then. After graduating college, the number of books I've read is dwindling. From 120+ books a year to just around 15 per year, the bookworm in me is just screaming. Hopefully, I can get the numbers up!

I am not in any way an expert about makeup and the other things mentioned. I will probably fudge makeup, I will perhaps fail and mess up. The important thing is I will try my best to give an honest, fair review! Watch me grow and learn along with me!

Keep updated... more posts coming up!


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